Quality Management at W&H
Accuracy and precision engineering for the highest quality
As a medical technology company, together with our 1,300 employees worldwide, we deal with the high quality requirements of the industry on every day. Therefore, we have known for over 130 years that without our own high standards, specifications can neither be fulfilled nor pioneering work carried out.

That is why we define ourselves, on the one hand, by a strong sense of responsibility towards our customers, partners, patients and people's health. On the other hand, we push our own standards; above the minimum requirements. Because, according to our guiding principle "People have Priority", the production of medical technology with the highest level of quality and safety is a priority at W&H. In order to comply with this, all employees are required to follow this principle: continuous improvements to our products and our process-oriented quality management system are the responsibility of everyone and the sum of all parts. Our customers can take it for granted that we comply with the relevant international quality criteria – and this has been officially confirmed to us time and again over the years. Companies within our W&H Group hold certificates according to ISO 9001, ISO 13485, MDSAP (Medical Device Single Audit Program), ISO 14001, COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/42/EEC, (EU) 2017/745 MDR, 2014/68 EU (PED), ASME stamp (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme). As a business partner, all currently valid certificates are available to you in the download area of our PARTNERnet. For more detailed information about the respective certificates, please contact your dealer.
Our origins lie in precision engineering. A tradition that, together with the W&H pioneering spirit, creates the optimal combination of precision and openness to other fundamental areas such as sustainability and resource selection. In this way, we are constantly driving forward future-proof, sustainable progress and making no compromises when dealing with conflict materials. Because “People and our Planet have Priority”. All of this contributes to the global success of the W&H Group.