
最新更新: 11.10.2018


以下の販売および配送に関する一般利用規約は、W&Hと顧客の間のビジネス関係全体に適用されるものとします。 注文することによって、顧客はそれらが適用されることを認識したとされます。 逸脱した、反対の、または補足的な一般条件は、たとえそれらがわかっていても、その適用可能性が書面で明示的に合意されていない限り、契約の一部にはなりません。 これらの一般販売および配達条件から逸脱する条件が書面で契約で合意された場合、契約規則が優先するものとします。


W&Hにより発行された価格表の現行価格が受注時に適用されるものとします。 価格は梱包を含む工場出荷時のものですが、送料は含まれていません。 消費税等は、配達またはサービスの日に適用される法定規定に従って個別に計算されるものとします。 配送およびサービスは、合理的な範囲で技術的またはその他の変更の対象となるものとします。




お客様は製品を受領後、直ちに商品に欠陥がないか検査するものとします。 不完全または不正確な配達および明らかな欠陥は、商品の受領後8日以内に書面でW&Hに通知するものとします。 潜在的な欠陥およびエラーは、特定されたらすぐに通知されるものとします。 通知には、申し立てられた欠陥の種類と範囲を明確に記載するものとします。 欠陥またはエラーが定められた時間以内に通知されない場合、出荷は承認されたと見なされ、保証請求の主張は除外されます。


根拠のあるタイムリーな欠陥通知の場合、W&Hは、お客様の利益を十分に考慮して、商品を改善するか、値下げを許可するか、代替配送(交換)を行うか、購入価格の返金に対して商品を回収するものとします。 W&Hは、保証期間中の救済策を選択するものとします。 W&Hが保証義務を遵守しない場合、お客様は合理的に価格を引き下げるか、契約を取り消す権利を有するものとします。 特に直接損害または結果的損害に関するW&Hに対するその他の請求は、法律で許可されている範囲で、明示的に除外されるものとします。 十分に根拠のある保証義務の履行は、第三者に対して行われた保証の約束に影響を与えないものとします。 したがって、そのような履行は、warranty 保証に関してもguarantee 保証に関しても、期間を延長してはならない。


配達された商品は、W&Hの事前の同意がある場合にのみ返送できます。 それでも商品が返品された場合、W&Hは、その結果として発生したすべての費用を払い戻すものとします。 お客様は、返品の受け入れから請求またはその他の法的結果を推量することはできません。 商品の回収が合意された場合、W&Hは、返品された貨物に関連して発生した費用の手数料を請求し、商品代金の値引きをする際は、商品の年数や状態を考慮した金額を差し引く権利を留保します。W&Hは前述のとおり減額金額を決定するものとします。


前述の責任の制限は、製造物責任または与えられた保証に基づくお客様の請求には適用されないものとします。 さらに、責任の制限は、W&Hが責任を負う顧客の身体への危害または健康または死亡には適用されないものとします。


Invoices for deliveries of goods shall be paid in accordance with the relevant agreements made. If no written agreement on the payment period exists between the parties, all payments of invoice amounts shall be due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and shall be made without deductions. At the request of W&H the mode of payment may be changed to collection on delivery. Bills of exchange or cheques shall only be accepted if specifically agreed in writing and only on account of payment. Discount expenses shall be borne by the Customer and shall be due immediately. In the event of delay of payment default interest of 8% above the base rate shall be agreed. Off-setting on the part of the Customer shall be excluded unless claims are set off against claims that have been recognised by W&H in writing or ascertained in a non-appealable manner. If the Customer no longer operates a proper business, if enforcement measures are taken against him, if a cheque or a bill is protested, or if payments are slow or discontinued or if the Customer applies for composition proceedings in or out of court or if bankruptcy proceedings are opened over his assets or if a request for such proceedings is dismissed for lack of assets to cover the costs, W&H shall be entitled to call for immediate payment of all claims under the business relationship, even if bills or cheques have been accepted or payment by instalments has been agreed. The same shall apply in the event of default in payment on the part of the Customer or if other circumstances become known that make the creditworthiness of the Customer appear doubtful. In such case W&H, in addition, shall be entitled to demand advanced payment or security, to realise security provided and to rescind the contract and to claim damages for non-performance. Assignment to third parties of accounts receivable by the Customer from W&H as well as transfer of rights and duties under the purchase contract concluded shall not be permitted without prior written approval by W&H.

Retention of Title

The delivered goods shall remain property of W&H until the Customer has completely fulfilled his obligation, in particular payment of the purchase price plus ancillary costs and interest, charges, expenses, etc. If the goods are resold the Customer shall assign his accounts receivable from the sale of the goods which are subject to retention of title to W&H. The Customer shall be obliged to mark such assignment in his books by making booking references and to disclose the names of those who owe the purchase price, if so demanded by W&H, and to state the exact figures of the assigned accounts receivable. The assignment shall be accepted by W&H. Charges and/or taxes, if any, payable in connection with the assignment shall be borne by the Customer and he shall indemnify and hold W&H harmless in this respect. W&G shall be entitled at any time to disclose the assignment made and collect the assigned accounts receivable themselves. The Customer shall be obliged to have the goods that are subject to retention of title sufficiently insured against the usual risks, such as acts of God, and to evidence the insurance to W&H if so required. The Customer hereby assigns his insurance claims, if any, to W&H. Furthermore, the Customer shall be obliged to store the goods according to the instructions of W&H and to the state of the art. The Customer shall be obliged to handle the goods with care whilst they are subject to retention of title. If maintenance work or inspection work should be necessary, the Customer shall have such work carried out regularly on his own costs.

Medical Products

The Customers confirms that he knows the relevant national, European and international regulations related to distribution of medical products, such as the Statute on Medical Products or the Guidelines on a Medical Device Vigilance System, and undertakes to comply with the same. Furthermore, the Customer confirms that according to applicable national, European and international regulations he is qualified and authorised to trade in, store and purchase medical products.

Intellectual Property

Offers and projects as well as the related drawings, dimension diagrams and descriptions are the intellectual property of W&H and shall not be reproduced or made available to third parties without the consent of W&H.

Exportation Clause

Re-exports of the Customer shall in any case require the prior written consent of W&H.


To the extent that W&H are obliged by law to take back transport packaging and outer packaging the Customer shall bear the costs of transporting the used packaging back.

Force Majeure

In the case that events of force majeure affect W&H or any of their upstream suppliers W&H shall be entitled to suspend deliveries for the time of the obstruction and a reasonable start-up period or the rescind the contract in whole or in part according to the consequences of the events of force majeure. Events of force majeure shall include but not be limited to: all impacts of the elements, such as earthquake, lightning, frost, storm, floods; war, laws, acts of authorities, seizure, transport interruption, export bans, import bans and prohibition of transit, international payment restrictions, failure of supply of raw materials or energy failure; business interruptions, such as, e.g., explosion, fire, strikes, sabotage and any other events that could only be prevented with unreasonable costs and commercially unreasonable means.

Consent regarding Data Protection Law

The Customer expressly agrees that personal data which has been and/or will be made available by the Customer may be collected, processed and used by W&H for marketing purposes or other purposes by means of a customer data base. This consent may be revoked by the Customer at any time with effect for the future.

Final Provisions

Austrian law shall apply with the exception of the conflict of laws rules and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The venue for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contract shall be the court in the provincial capital of Salzburg having jurisdiction over the subject-matter. The place of performance for deliveries and payment shall be the place of the registered office of W&H. If individual provisions of the contract or of these Terms and Conditions should be or become ineffective in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The provision that is ineffective in whole or in part shall be replaced by a provision the economic result of which comes as close as possible to that of the ineffective provision. Any and all amendments to and modifications of contracts concluded between W&H and the Customer shall be made in writing. This shall also apply to a waiver of this requirement of written form.